First stop. St. Louis. The city with the arch. And the old Mississippi. Not to mention the red hot Cardinals.
I had the privilege to spend two full days visiting Wash U and drink in the gorgeous Gothic architecture.
The spacious quad. The friendly, very "nice" student body of 5,000.
I know now why Wash U is the "Harvard of the Midwest".
Next stop. Chicago. Three schools in three days.
First day. Lake Forest. The national liberal arts college of Chicago.
Lake Michigan is a block away. Chicago a 50 minute train ride away. What stood out to me was the passion Lake Forest professors have for teaching.
Second stop. Northwestern. I felt right at home in a sea of purple. Love Evanston too. It's know as the "cuisine capital of the world". And what stunning architecture and beautiful Ivy.

This is a picture of "the Rock". To advertise NW students have to camp out for 24 hours to claim rights.

Last stop. University of Chicago. Interesting factoid: U of Chicago was the second choice for the Harry Potter movies. U of Chicago IS HOGWARTS.
Another interesting factoid. U of Chicago is the home to the 1st Heisman Trophy. Who would have thought it?

Great stretch of college visits. And a reminder that there are excellent schools all over the US. There is just no such thing as only "one good school".