3. | Please highlight the preferences that you believe will best suit your student in a college. (More than one answer is OK)
Size of undergraduate population: |
5. | Level of Academic Challenge and Selectivity |
8. | What other parameters are important to you? |
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9. | Do you now have some specific colleges in mind for your student? If so, please list them. |
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10. | What is your student's strongest trait? Give a recent example. |
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11. | What teacher or coach has most inspired your student? What teacher or coach has most challenged your student? |
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12. | Does your Junior's academic record accurately reflect his/her academic ability?If not, why not? |
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13. | How has your child changed or grown while a student at Casady School? |
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14. | Do you have any specific concerns about the college planning process? |
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15. | What issues should I be sure to address in our college meeting together? |
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20. | College counselors get to submit a one-page recommendation letter to most colleges/universities. We invite you then to write a recommendation letter to schools you would submit on behalf of your son or daughter. |