You can find it hanging between my office and Coach Warden's office.
You'll notice tiny strips of paper on the map.
These paper strips indicate where each student is matriculating to in the fall.
Our hope is to replace these strips of paper with stickers that have each college logo on them.
In the meantime, the paper strips will do.
Roughly 60% of our seniors will matriculate out-of-state.
40% will remain in-state.
Congrats to our seniors and the college adventure ahead of them at the following colleges and universities:

Auburn University
Belmont University
Boston University
Centre College
DePauw University
Denison University
Duke University
Georgetown University
Hendrix College
Louisiana State University
Northeastern University
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma State University
Parsons New School of Design
Point Loma Nazarene University
Pomona College
Philander Smith College
Rhodes College
Rollins College
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Sewanee: The University of the South
Southern Methodist University
St. Olaf College
Texas Christian University
Trinity University
University of Arkansas
University of California at Berkeley
University of Indiana
University of Liverpool
United States Military Academy (West Point)
University of Mississippi
University of Missouri at Columbia
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
University of Oklahoma
University of Texas - Austin
Vanderbilt University
Virginia Tech University
Washington University in St. Louis
William Jewell College
Wittenberg University