Thursday, March 14, 2013

Discovering Your Story, Part I

This month's theme for the College Seminar is story.

I invited a guest speaker to engage our 11th graders on the compelling power of story.

Our guest speaker has hired and fired many salesman in the corporate world of healthcare management.

He opened with our students by saying, "I've never hired a person with the best resume.  I've always hired the person with a good resume and an even better story."

Does a really good story make that much of a difference?

In a job interview?

On a college application?

In life - in general?

I would argue, Yes!

What is a story?

A story is what you do.

Think about what you do?

  • School
  • GPA
  • SAT/ACT Scores
  • Clubs
  • Activities
  • Service Hours
  • Athletics (JV/V...start/don't start)
  • Work
  • Vocational Aspirations

We are in touch with these because this is where we spend all of our time.

This stuff makes up 90% of our conversations - doesn't it?

But your story is more than what you do.

Your story is also who you are.

Now think about who you are?

You are shaped by your experiences, family, life events, etc.

You are unique - like your thumbprint.

And this sets you apart.

Informs your character and passions.

Makes you "come alive" to those around you.

Comes from "the heart" more than "the head."

Your story then is what you do + who you are.